"ROLEX" is Japanese piano brand made by Higashi-Nihon Piano Company.
We receive inquiries about the brand's association with ROLEX watches,
but there is no association between the two. It's not widely known compared
to other Japanese brands like Apollo and Diapason, but some of the brand's
high-end models are notable for using Renner Action, Roslau wire and
Royal George hammer felts for their parts. All ROLEX models we had seen
use Nickel-plated tuning pins.
Many of the early ROLEX models (names starting with "KR", made in 1970's
and 1980's) have flat front panel with straight or curved legs, and these are
recommended products for customers who like the standard-shaped pianos
of Yamaha and Kawai pianos. Meanwhile, recent models (names starting with
"RX") manufactured in 1990's are built focusing on cabinet design, such as
wood-grain cabinet designs, Chippendale legs, or large Music desk on front
panel. Such models are also very popular for people looking for design.
A number of models are available now at Takemoto Piano,
so please consider to choose the brand.